We predefined two types of menus: main and footer, represents the top app bar menus and the footer menus, respectively. This article will briefly introduce how to use the menus.

Menu Entry Properties

nameStringThe name of menu.
identifierStringThe ID of menu.
weightNumberThe weight of menu that used for sorting in ascending order.
parentStringThe identifier of parent menu entry.
urlStringThe URL of menu.
preStringThe leading string before menu name.
postStringThe trailing string after menu name.
paramsObjectMenu parameters.
params.dividerBooleantrue means divider.
params.iconStringThe icon HTML.
params.descriptionStringThe description for top app bar’s dropdown menus only.

See also Menu Entry Properties.



The menu configuration file is located in config/_default/menu.toml by default.

Let’s take main menu as an example:

 2  identifier = "home"
 3  name = "Home"
 4  weight = 1
 5  url = "https://hbs.razonyang.com/"
 6  [main.params]
 7    icon = '<i class="fas fa-home"></i>'
 9  identifier = "blog"
10  name = "Blog"
11  weight = 2
12  [main.params]
13    icon = '<i class="fas fa-fw fa-blog"></i>'
15  name = "Support"
16  identifier = "support"
17  weight = 40
18  [main.params]
19    description = 'The HBS Support Community'
20    icon = '<i class="fas fa-fw fa-info-circle"></i>'
22  name = "Repository"
23  identifier = "repository"
24  parent = "support"
25  url = "https://github.com/razonyang/hugo-theme-bootstrap"
26  weight = 1
27  [main.params]
28    icon = '<i class="fab fa-fw fa-github text-primary"></i>'
30  name = "Discussions"
31  identifier = "discussions"
32  parent = "support"
33  url = "https://github.com/razonyang/hugo-theme-bootstrap/discussions/new"
34  weight = 2
35  [main.params]
36    description = "Ask and discuss questions with others."
37    icon = '<i class="fas fa-fw fa-comments text-success"></i>'
39  name = "Features Request"
40  identifier = "feature-request"
41  parent = "support"
42  url = "https://github.com/razonyang/hugo-theme-bootstrap/issues/new?template=feature_request.yml"
43  weight = 3
44  [main.params]
45    description = "Suggest new or updated features."
46    icon = '<i class="fas fa-fw fa-lightbulb text-warning"></i>'
48  name = "Bug Report"
49  identifier = "bug-report"
50  parent = "support"
51  url = "https://github.com/razonyang/hugo-theme-bootstrap/issues/new?template=bug_report.yml"
52  weight = 3
53  [main.params]
54    description = "Tell us about a bug or issue."
55    icon = '<i class="fas fa-fw fa-bug text-danger"></i>'
57  parent = "support"
58  weight = 4
59  [main.params]
60    divider = true

See Icons for importing icons and setting the icon’s color.

Front Matter

We can also configure menu via page front matter.

2  parent = "support"
3  weight = 6
5  parent = "support"
6  weight = 6
7  [menu.footer.params]
8    icon = '<i class="fas fa-fw fa-question-circle"></i>'

The code snippet appends the page to the main and footer menu.

It’s no need to specify the url and name parameters.